Sunday, September 1, 2013

Journal 1- Schools that Practices Learning- Literacy

The blog I just recently read by David Warlick talked about schools that practice learning-literacy. In this blog I learned that teaching is a persuasive learning skill. Also that teachers learned better while teaching the material and so will students. Making sure your students interact as much as a teacher does with the material will engage the students as well as help them better understand the material. I agree with Mr. Warlick when he said that using technologies, demonstrating and asking for help from students will help the students learn and adapt. I find it very fascinating that the generations have changed in the learning aspects. Children nowadays are more into learning throw technology rather than through text books. Not only that but students now have a lot more material to learn then generations in the past. For example, history is made every single day something new occurs that is to remember several times a year. Warlick says that teachers teach from new learnings, as master learners, to be honest I never really looked at it that way, at the same time that teachers are teaching students, they are learning new things themselves. I am a part of the technology generation and I do agree that if teachers teach more with technology and explain as they are teaching the material, things will help us students be engaged and learn what is being thought. David Warlick rephrases a quote to say “teachers model learning, students learn to teach themselves and schools educate the community.” I for one complete agree with that quote, students nowadays on teaching themselves several new things mainly in my opinion how to operate internet web pages and so forth.  While the world is advancing with knowledge so are students.

Photo credit to Mike Sansone on Flickr


1 comment:

  1. There is much 'food for thought' in this post and technology is at the forefront! But it is mostly about effective teaching and learning...and that is what it's all about! :)

    Great photo to enhance and well done on the attribute! For the resources, you will want to use APA style to formalize your textual resources.
